The Daily Annagram

unjumbling the jumble…


Welcome to thedailyannagram. Marvellous to have you along.

Note the alternative spelling of ‘anagram’. That is coz my name is Anna and I is a clever writer and good wi’ words. (Or my Dad is. He came up with the title. Thanks Dad!)

So thedailyannagram it is, also because like the well-known wordy game, my business here is to take bits of the nonsense of life and attempt to unjumble it all ’til it makes sense. NB: I am not so good at the sense-making angle of this project…

The easiest way to follow this daily shizzle is via Facebook. Hit the link on the homepage. If Facebook makes you YAK, click the ‘follow’ button and it’ll turn up in your email. I’ll have you any way you want to show up to me; if I was brave I’d publish my address and read it to you live on my doorstep every night if that’s what would make you happy…

Ten Things Which May Assist Your Understanding and Appreciation of This Blog:

  1. My husband is referred to as Gwyneth. See Living with Budgety Gwyn
  2. My kids are referred to as Eldest (who is the eldest) and Youngest (who is the youngest) – geddit?
  3. The first post, which lays out my manifesto in more detail can be found here:Unjumbling the jumble…
  4.  I am a woman. Therefore I sometimes blog about womanish things. Unless you are a massive wanker, this should not diminish my intellect, or yours.
  5. I am a mother. See above.
  6. I am an accomplished swearer. If the day comes where I am published in the national (or international!) press, the swearing will immediately cease because I will be rich and famous and all prior convictions will be lost. If you are averse to swearing, may I suggest you fuckety-off until I am famous.
  7. If you know anyone in publishing who might give a job to a woman who cannot stop writing, do share me with them. I will NOT suggest they fuckety-off. And I will pay you muchly, perhaps sexually.
  8. If you are liking this blog, do give it a ‘like’ here or on Facebook. Likes and (even better) ‘shares’, are oxygen to us bloggers. Commenting on WordPress articles is a bit of a faff, but if you can be so arsed it makes me happy on an epic scale.
  9. If you like a certain kinda blog from me, you can click on the topic links to find more. Do let me know which topics you’re especially enjoying/finding annoying.
  10. Writing this blog has been the most wonderful, energising and inspiring experience. Every new follower feels like a connection and a validation that I’m not alone with my internal shizzle. I highly recommend blogging to all. Unless you are a better writer than me, in which case, fuckety-off please…